Tag Archives: mesothelioma

Guest Post-Fighting Cancer With Beauty

25 May

This guest post was written by Jackie who does outreach for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance.   “I have always had a passion for fashion-from shoes to makeup, nail polish to handbags, and everything in between! Coupled with that is belief that all women need to feel beautiful, no matter what circumstances they may be facing. Women are powerful beings and WE need to realize it! Sadly, many women are hearing those devastating words “you have cancer.” Despite a cancer diagnosis, women can still feel beautiful in their own skin. Fashion is a wonderful way to feel strong and confident. I would like to share with your audience the reality of cancer and how women can say: “YES I have cancer–but I am no less beautiful than I was before my diagnosis.””

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” ~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Many women forget about the importance of their physical identity after a cancer diagnosis. Fashion can aid women who not only triumph over the battle against breast or lung cancer, but also for those who visit their doctors for mesothelioma regularly. Many alternatives exist to help women cope with these struggles and negative aspects of a cancer diagnosis. Think of this as a time to be pampered.

Hair loss is a common side effect of cancer treatment, but can be easily countered with a few simple accessories. Perhaps try a wig, hat, turban, or scarf. Eyebrows can be drawn on with feathering techniques in complimentary colors. Fake eyelashes may even be applied. Brush real hair with a soft brush and use a mild shampoo and conditioner. As always, remember to consult with a healthcare provider before applying chemicals to the body or to the hair.

Mild soaps, creams, and ointments that are free of perfume and alcohol can aid in moisturizing the skin. Pat the skin dry while drying off after a shower. Also, try shaving with an electric razor rather than a handheld razor. Preventing dry hands and feet can be done through a soak in Epsom salt. Soft shoes, cotton socks, and gel inserts are recommended to keep feet from any pain. Also, wear clothing that is soft and comfortable, such as cotton. Dresses are one easy way to look beautiful and keep skin feeling great.

Nails are another area where pampering is a must. By using a nail strengthener and moisturizer, nails can stay healthy and look beautiful, a definite confidence booster. Acetone-free nail polish remover is suggested in order to retain nail moisture. It is also recommended to avoid false nails and gel wraps that provide breeding grounds for bacteria.

According to Mona Wade of Beauty Through Cancer, “It’s a proven fact that attitude has a lot to do with healing. So the better women feel while they are going through treatment, the better and the faster they are going to heal.” Different women will find beauty through different things. Whether a bottle of mascara or a shiny new coat of nail polish, it’s time to let the beauty shine in your courageous fight against cancer.