Tag Archives: chicago thrift store blog

Feminist Vogue Summer 2012

28 Jun

To introduce our new vintage online clothing store- Outside the Box Vintage– Maria and I decided to explore the vast urban jungle of my backyard.  Using found objects as props we decided to play dress up on one of the hottest days of the year so far this summer.  We were melting, sweating, and oh so shiny.  Why didn’t we wait another day?  We had finally shaken our procrastinating ways and were in determined work mode.  This is our feminist take on Vogue fashion shoots.

Let’s Go Out And Play

26 Apr

Ever since I was a little girl I have loved playgrounds.  The monkey bars and tire swing are personal favorites that I still enjoy.  It’s important for me to embrace my inner child and remember that life shouldn’t be taken that seriously.  Making time to play is mandatory not optional.

The dinosaur sweater is my favorite part of this outfit.  The sweater actually belonged to my baby brother.  I discovered it a few years ago when I was helping my mom sort through boxes because she was moving.  When I came across the dinosaur sweater I thought it was so cute I just had to keep it for myself.  The dress is a pale yellow with white embroidery I found at a Chicago thrift store.  The satin mary janes were also a thrift score.  This is outfit is proof that you can wear black and yellow together and not look like a bumblebee.

A dress and heels have never stopped me from playing on the playground.  Even as a child I was never concerned with not getting dirty or the fear of other people seeing my underwear.  If I want to play, a dress isn’t gonna hold me back.

The next time you feel worried or stressed I urge you to go to a park and swing.  Once you sit on a swing and start flying through the air it’s impossible to not give in to the moment.