Tag Archives: pinterest

We’re on Pinterest!

5 Feb

Over here at FashionFoodFeminism we try to stay up on our technology/social media. The newest thing we’ve started (and are slightly obsessed with) is Pinterest. This is a social media tool that allows you to create virtual pinboards. You can “pin” things that you see on blogs/wesbites that you frequent and categorize them into various boards. So, if you see a recipe that you like here, you can “pin” it to your “have recipes” board for later usage.

The social media component is really interesting as well. You can log in with your Facebook or Twitter and you automatically have “friends” on Pinterest and can look at their boards, repinning as you please.

Speaking of social media here is a picture I repinned from Pinterest:

how i would explain social media to my mom.


I will say that it is a total time suck just like most social media. And sometimes I find myself  pinning things for my home that I will probably never be able to afford. Or recipes that I’ll never make. Or things for a wedding that I don’t think I want to even have. And I do enjoy doing all those things.

So go ahead and find us:

Vera and Phaydra’s Pinterest’s

You can also find me (vera) on Instagram: @missverasays

Go Pin! Enjoy!