Tag Archives: fashion

stylecasting it up!

22 Jun

ever wanted to go to a party at a hair salon? I didn’t even know I wanted to but I realized I did on Wednesday night.

Sponsored by StyleCaster, Teddie Kossof Salon, SecondCityStyle, Sebastian  Professional and ChicagoStreetStyle this networking event brought together a wonderful group of women, all decked out in amazing clothing, and ready to get glamed up. O! and did we!

That’s right. This is the best part: You could get your hair styled by one of the stylists from Teddie Kossof Salon… while sippin wine and jammin to dance tunes…

My stylist was Mindy. She is awesome. She got her inspiration from my vintage sailor inspired outfit and went retro. I went from having a high bun to a faux-bob with retro waves in the front. reallly amazing! and it took ten minutes. it was so dramatic that when i got home everyone thought i cut my hair.


the other great part was meeting new friends.

It was wonderful to meet Francia from Chicago Blogger Network and Meghan and Abbie from Stylecasters. the ladies rock. I even had a chat with Amy from Chicago Street Style. keeping it low key.

yes, oddly this event was in the suburbs but it was totally worth it. The Teddy Kossof Salon is an awesome space (it has 2 floors and over 30 stylists)  and the stylists are amazing. worth the drive.

(pssst! win a gift certificate if your the first to comment on this post!)

yup! this stylejuncture event was a total success! cheers to starting the weekend early and right!

Fashion Origami!

29 Mar

I live in a small town, needless to say we hang at my friend’s houses most of the time, there’s nothing more to do, except go to the bar and that gets boring. While at one of their houses I noticed this awesome paper dress:

I asked my friend what it was and she said: Fashion Origami! I thought it was so cool. I hate origami, mostly because I suck at it. Here is the shirt I made and the shirt my friend made:

See what I mean?

However, I really like the idea, it’s a way to spend time clearing your mind and focusing on making something creative. As a grad school student I really appreciate whenever I can be creative.

This is the brand that my friend had. It costs about $12 plus shipping and brings a lot of already cut paper and the instructions. Below is my friend’s collection… that  green bow-tie piece is actually supposed to be a bra…

Of course, this also has an effect or maybe reflects trends already present in fashion. This blog has a good sample of this connection http://ajurettemagablog.blogspot.com/2010/11/origami-inspired-fashion-designs.html

And for an everyday sense of how to bring origami into our lives here’s an awesome pic from London Fashion week…get inspired!

pic from: http://blog.stylesight.com/street/sculptural-style/attachment/london-fashion-week-fw-12-sculptural-fashion-origami-minimalism-120

We’re on Pinterest!

5 Feb

Over here at FashionFoodFeminism we try to stay up on our technology/social media. The newest thing we’ve started (and are slightly obsessed with) is Pinterest. This is a social media tool that allows you to create virtual pinboards. You can “pin” things that you see on blogs/wesbites that you frequent and categorize them into various boards. So, if you see a recipe that you like here, you can “pin” it to your “have recipes” board for later usage.

The social media component is really interesting as well. You can log in with your Facebook or Twitter and you automatically have “friends” on Pinterest and can look at their boards, repinning as you please.

Speaking of social media here is a picture I repinned from Pinterest:

how i would explain social media to my mom.


I will say that it is a total time suck just like most social media. And sometimes I find myself  pinning things for my home that I will probably never be able to afford. Or recipes that I’ll never make. Or things for a wedding that I don’t think I want to even have. And I do enjoy doing all those things.

So go ahead and find us:

Vera and Phaydra’s Pinterest’s

You can also find me (vera) on Instagram: @missverasays

Go Pin! Enjoy!

Whale Friendship Bracelets

5 Oct

Since I think most of us would agree we would rather be a whale than a mermaid it reminded me of one of my favorite items on Etsy.  I have had this saved in my favorites for over a year now.  This bracelet is made by Mary Beth Heishman of I Adorn U.  This bracelet is brass and says Best Friends.  One for you and one for your friend.  It is also available in silver and you can have the bracelets customized with your names for no extra charge.


If you don’t wear bracelets she also has necklaces.  My favorite is this silver Amies which is French for friends.

sometimes it rains. and two hours later it’s hot as hell.

5 Oct

The Bay Area has hard to predict weather. Summer doesn’t start until September and then it starts raining. Oh! The rain! I had never experienced such debilitating rain in my life before I moved to Oakland. It will seriously rain for a couple hours in the morning and then sometime in the afternoon it’s 75 degrees out and you need to change your outfit.

You could wear a variance of all of these items throughout the day:

As well as clothing, your taste and cravings for food will vary throughout the day. I could go from craving a bowl of hot steamy kimchi stew to a deluxe double scoop of sweet cream ice cream.

Vintage Finds at Seek

4 Oct

Seek Vintage is a cute boutique on Chicago Avenue.  It’s cozy and not overwhelming.  Carefully curated with vintage gems. I like to think about my purchases so I walked away empty handed.  I absolutely adored and definitely would not have had to think about buying the sailor shoes, but they were too small for me!  They were a 7.5 and I usually wear a 9.  My feet are ginormous compared to the rest of me.  It was a sad day indeed. Here are some interesting items to check out.

liberal feminism paradox: illustrated

4 Oct

fb page: a girls guide to taking over the world


Paper Eyelashes

28 Sep

Paperself has created eyelashes made from paper.  “Inspired by the art of Chinese paper-cutting, Eyelashes blend an element of traditional culture with contemporary design. Intricately cut and delicately pretty, Eyelashes are now available in 11 styles,  each infused with symbolic meaning rooted in Chinese culture.”  My faves are under the sea with the adorable seahorse and the peacock.  Show off those lashes.

Hi, it’s nice to meet you

28 Sep

We are 3 friends who met in Chicago.  We come from different backgrounds, but our common link is we are not afraid of the dreaded “F-word” feminist and gladly identify as such.  We feel that feminists shouldn’t be stereotyped or pitted against one another or that if you are a feminist that you can’t enjoy getting a mani-pedi while sipping on champagne.  We are starting this blog because we are now in three different locations.  Maria is in a small, college town in upstate New York. Phaydra remains in Chicago.  Vera is in Oakland, California.  We want to remain connected to each other and share what it is to be a feminist.  Yes, feminists do like fashion and food and even enjoy watching  Sex and the City (of course not without critique).

  • Vera

When Vera isn’t in school she is battling the wonders of children and wishing she were at home cooking, talking to her best friends about present day feminism and enjoying all the greatness that the Bay Area has to offer.

  • Phaydra

Is currently having a life crisis.  She quit her job at Planned Parenthood and is now trying to figure out what to do with her life.  This includes much volunteering, interning, and surfing the internet, but no actual paid work boo hoo.  She blames her parents for her indecisiveness since her mother is a Democrat and her father is a Republican.  Or maybe it comes from being a Libra.  She hates theories and academic writing which is what caused her to change her former career path of being a life-long student.  For now she is content to sell vintage clothes on Etsy and explore Chicago.

  • maria

About a year ago I had a dream, I don’t remember its specifics but immediately when I woke up I called my grandmother. I had to tell her about it. In the dream there was a woman who looked at me and told me ” you do it with what’s within you.” I don’t remember what I wanted or need to do but this phrase struck me, so much so that I wrote it down in one of my notebooks. When I told my grandmother about the dream and what this woman had said, she said to me,”Dios siempre esta contigo, dentro de ti. No tienes que ir a buscarlo” this was her interpretation of the dream. She explained that God is always with me and inside me. I don’t need to go find God. I was struck by her response. I am not a religious person but I do believe in the spiritual connection between everyone, for better or worse. And although I can be really critical of organized religion and haven’t participated in along time, I think my grandmother confirmed for me that when I feel weak, like I can’t go on, sad, lost I can always count on those spirits that are around me to guide me through difficult times. If I am able to listen…This understanding of the world has been facilitated by various feminists, Starhawk, hooks, Lugones, Lorde, my mom, and grandmother among many more; through their writing and insight these immaterial connections would make no sense, they would get lost in the violence of dominant Western thought, capitalism, patriarchy, sexism, racism in short all of the dominant organizing principles of reality. What they have done is given
me the ability to articulate other  real organizing principles of reality. This ability has become imperative because as a Ph.D. student in a small town; a very small, economically and spiritually depressed town finding strength to make a life here that is fulfilling is difficult but I look to “what’s in me” to guide me. I have a lot of help, from friends,family, food, music, books and the spirits in all things around me. This is a practical way of life. Fashion, Food and Feminism are part of my survival tactics, not just in the midst of academia and small town living but always. My contribution here is to share these strategies in the hopes that they help strengthen everyone’s ability to live and “do ‘it’ (whatever it may be) with what is within in you.”