Tag Archives: football

Football Is For Boys

5 Feb

In case you didn’t know/couldn’t tell from the football beanie, this is a newborn baby boy. Congrats to my sis Emmy.  No one would put this football beanie on a little girl.  Girl’s don’t play football.  You know what girls do?  Girls cheer.  Oh yes, even I once did a cheerleading stint.

I was the Daria of cheerleaders.  Just ask my friends, they think it was hilarious, I think it was a learning/growth experiment gone very wrong.  I did it for this reason

If I had spent more time considering my decision I would have realized: I don’t like football, I don’t like people looking at me, I don’t like people staring at my short skirts, and I don’t like the cold.  I much prefer to attend football games for the socialization aspect.  It is the place to go to see and be seen.  Or to eat bad food, all fried.  Drink some spiked lemonade with it and hope that you don’t step on a child with your heels as you try to navigate the bleachers.

Football is a beloved sport that only men can really participate in.  I prefer to look at the pleasant side of things and I do want to give thanks to whomever decided to add a half time show to the Super Bowl.  The half time show is entertainment to me, not football.  Even if its bad it’s still good.

Madonna, M.I.A, and Nicki Minaj all creatively sing out against sexism in their own style.  Also, looooove, loooove M.I.A’s white lace dress.


Life & Football

5 Feb

~Brett Favre~

In “honor” of Super Bowl Sunday I found a quote from the great quarterback Brett Favre.  I’m surprised the U.S. hasn’t made this day a national holiday yet.  I’ve never been particularly fond of football even when I had a particular fondness for offensive line football players.  However, I think Favre really has the right idea about life.  He’s saying why worry, there isn’t any need to worry.  Honestly worrying is a waste of time.  If you have to do it commit to only 15 minutes max and then get busy fixing what ever has you worrying.  Be productive.  Find solutions.  Or just let it go.