Tag Archives: quotes

“The World Needs Class”

6 Mar

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I recently met up with Ms. Red, the Creative Director of Adela Red, at Café Mustache.  A great little café off the California Blue Line filled with quirky décor.  The atmosphere is laid back and cozy.  So cozy in fact, that our interview turned into a four hour long chat about life.  Here are the Cliff Notes.

*Can you intro yourself?

I’m originally from Wisconsin and moved to Chicago to study fashion design.  In school I got told “no” a lot because my designs didn’t go with the standards.  Telling me no motivates me to prove you wrong.  I learned when to be quiet and work and when to stand up for myself.

*Are you a feminist?

No, I do not consider myself a feminist.  I’m old fashioned and like traditional roles.  I don’t want to be taken care of though; I want to take care of myself.  I believe women have the right to do what they want and my choice is to be more traditional.  I want to make dinner for my family.  My big issue with feminism is that it is the reason chivalry doesn’t exist anymore.

*Is this your full time job?

Yes, as creative director for Adela Red and designer for my clothing lines.   As a creative director I’m in charge of projects such as photo shoots and fashion shows.  Individuals come to me for my vision and ideas.  I oversee production and do casting.  I provide the theme and direct the process and flow.  As a designer I won’t give people just what they want.  I custom make clothing for what works for you.  The customer isn’t always right.  Let me do my job, but I’m not cocky about it.  I’m not talking just to talk.

*What do you do to lift your mood when you’re feeling down?

I change it up.  I do something I didn’t plan.  I quit my job without another one lined up.  Spontaneity.  Thinking about my accomplishments and where I wanna go.  Remembering that I‘m capable and kick ass.

*Where do you find creative inspiration?

By trying everything you realize your style of creativity.  Listening to people’s needs and looking at what worked in the past.  My life is my inspiration.  I use new fabrics with classic cuts.  Audrey Hepburn. Marilyn Monroe.

*Best fashion advice?

Base your whole outfit on the item you most want to wear that day.  It makes it easier to create an outfit because you have a starting point.  People do not pay as much attention as you think they do, stop basing your life on others and base it on what you love.  The way you dress informs people of how you feel.

*What is your favorite quote/s?

I really like Marilyn Monroe.  There are 2 by her.  “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are” and “Women who want to be equal to men lack ambition”.  Another is “You have enemies?  Good, that means you stood up for something in your life” by Winston Churchill. My own personal favorite saying is “Never forget your roots, or who put you where you are today even if that person is yourself.”

*Any last words of wisdom?

Stop being someone else, be yourself.  Don’t stop caring, don’t stop worrying, don’t stop living.

For more Adela Red and creative inspiration you can follow:

Women’s History Month

1 Mar

~Adrienne Rich~

March is that time of year designated for celebrating how lovely women really can be.  Did you know it didn’t even exist until 1987?  Read more about it and this year’s theme Women’s Education-Women’s Empowerment here.


I Couldn’t Live Without Fashion

9 Feb

~Coco Chanel~

I like to read books about her life story hoping I’ll be inspired or motivated.  She contributed much to the fashion world.  The classic tweed jacket, the quilted bag, but it is she who started the little black dress phenomenon.  This is the woman to give thanks to.  She got fashion.  I mean really got it, like in the quote.  Fashion isn’t frivolous, it is creative.  Fashion is an expression not just in clothes, but in your attitude.  Fashion is the fun, giggly side of life and I’d rather have laugh lines than frown lines.


I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

8 Feb


~Muhammad Ali~

February is African-American History Month and we haven’t even touched on the subject.  In fact, I haven’t seen much about in anywhere except in a store window for school teachers.  I very much admire Muhammad Ali because he is a person that stands up for what he believes in.  He believes that everyone should be treated equally and with humanity.  I was impressed by his refusal to be drafted for the Vietnam War.  He refused because he believes in peace and is a conscientious objector.  He basically told the draft and the U.S. military to shove it by saying “No, I am not going 10,000 miles to help murder kill and burn other people to simply help continue the domination of white slavemasters over dark people the world over. This is the day and age when such evil injustice must come to an end.


What Do You Believe In?

6 Feb

~Frank Lloyd Wright~

Ok, so I hope you know that believing that you can fly won’t make you able to fly.  However, if you believe you can be a fashion designer that is achievable.  Believing is a form of visualization, it’s imagination and creativity. Mix all that with action and you’ll make it happen.


Life & Football

5 Feb

~Brett Favre~

In “honor” of Super Bowl Sunday I found a quote from the great quarterback Brett Favre.  I’m surprised the U.S. hasn’t made this day a national holiday yet.  I’ve never been particularly fond of football even when I had a particular fondness for offensive line football players.  However, I think Favre really has the right idea about life.  He’s saying why worry, there isn’t any need to worry.  Honestly worrying is a waste of time.  If you have to do it commit to only 15 minutes max and then get busy fixing what ever has you worrying.  Be productive.  Find solutions.  Or just let it go.



I’m Not Settling

4 Feb

~Carrie Bradshaw~

This is my favorite quote from Sex and The City.  I can honestly say I live by this.  I refuse to settle…on anything.   First, you must identify what it is that you want in life.  Once you do that you must wholeheartedly go after it.  Remember, there is a difference between compromising and settling.  To settle isn’t to compromise.  To settle is to accept something that you don’t even want.  To settle is a refusal to grow or change.  To settle is to lack creativity.   Never settle.



If Only I Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

3 Feb

~Shel Silverstein~

Shel Silverstein was an amazing writer.  He wrote “for” children, but really his writing is for people of all ages.  His writings urged people to think of the other person’s perspective and to be open minded.  This quote always reminds me to put my thoughts into actions and get moving because never do I want to be saying I woulda-coulda-shoulda.


Can You Handle It?

1 Feb

~Marilyn Monroe~


Oh February, you may be my least favorite month.  What I like about you is that you are such a short month, but you had to go and be a leap year this year didn’t you?!  By the time February comes around I’m fed up with winter.  I’m tired of the cold and it getting dark at 4 P.M..  Melancholy is starting to set in and everything feels stale.  Inspiration is needed stat!  So to help with that we will be posting quotes to inspire, motivate, educate, or just give you that slap in the face that you so desperately need.

The above quote is courtesy of Marilyn Monroe.  The woman in search of a person that would love her unconditionally.