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How I Framed Frank Lloyd Wright

6 Feb

Frank Lloyd Wright is one of my favorite architects.  His style is defined by clean, simple lines.  I like how he blurred the line between indoor and outdoor space.  His open room layouts of letting the kitchen, dining, and living areas flow into one another fosters a cozy home environment.  Being an admirer of his work is what prompted me to respond to an offer on Freecycle for an old Frank Lloyd Wright calendar.  After picking up the calendar and checking out the prints of his sketches I didn’t know how I was going to use it.  Then one day I found a beautiful, large shabby chic frame in an alley.  I decided I would put the frame on the wall and arrange the Frank Lloyd Wright prints in it.  All I had to do was cut out the prints from the calendar and apply double sided tape.  I then arranged them on the wall within the frame.


What Do You Believe In?

6 Feb

~Frank Lloyd Wright~

Ok, so I hope you know that believing that you can fly won’t make you able to fly.  However, if you believe you can be a fashion designer that is achievable.  Believing is a form of visualization, it’s imagination and creativity. Mix all that with action and you’ll make it happen.


Life & Football

5 Feb

~Brett Favre~

In “honor” of Super Bowl Sunday I found a quote from the great quarterback Brett Favre.  I’m surprised the U.S. hasn’t made this day a national holiday yet.  I’ve never been particularly fond of football even when I had a particular fondness for offensive line football players.  However, I think Favre really has the right idea about life.  He’s saying why worry, there isn’t any need to worry.  Honestly worrying is a waste of time.  If you have to do it commit to only 15 minutes max and then get busy fixing what ever has you worrying.  Be productive.  Find solutions.  Or just let it go.


We’re on Pinterest!

5 Feb

Over here at FashionFoodFeminism we try to stay up on our technology/social media. The newest thing we’ve started (and are slightly obsessed with) is Pinterest. This is a social media tool that allows you to create virtual pinboards. You can “pin” things that you see on blogs/wesbites that you frequent and categorize them into various boards. So, if you see a recipe that you like here, you can “pin” it to your “have recipes” board for later usage.

The social media component is really interesting as well. You can log in with your Facebook or Twitter and you automatically have “friends” on Pinterest and can look at their boards, repinning as you please.

Speaking of social media here is a picture I repinned from Pinterest:

how i would explain social media to my mom.


I will say that it is a total time suck just like most social media. And sometimes I find myself  pinning things for my home that I will probably never be able to afford. Or recipes that I’ll never make. Or things for a wedding that I don’t think I want to even have. And I do enjoy doing all those things.

So go ahead and find us:

Vera and Phaydra’s Pinterest’s

You can also find me (vera) on Instagram: @missverasays

Go Pin! Enjoy!


If Only I Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

3 Feb

~Shel Silverstein~

Shel Silverstein was an amazing writer.  He wrote “for” children, but really his writing is for people of all ages.  His writings urged people to think of the other person’s perspective and to be open minded.  This quote always reminds me to put my thoughts into actions and get moving because never do I want to be saying I woulda-coulda-shoulda.


Can You Handle It?

1 Feb

~Marilyn Monroe~


Oh February, you may be my least favorite month.  What I like about you is that you are such a short month, but you had to go and be a leap year this year didn’t you?!  By the time February comes around I’m fed up with winter.  I’m tired of the cold and it getting dark at 4 P.M..  Melancholy is starting to set in and everything feels stale.  Inspiration is needed stat!  So to help with that we will be posting quotes to inspire, motivate, educate, or just give you that slap in the face that you so desperately need.

The above quote is courtesy of Marilyn Monroe.  The woman in search of a person that would love her unconditionally.

Hanging with Ghosts

23 Jan

Halloween is not the only time for ghosts, in fact there are many hanging out in downtown Chicago at the DC A Storefront theater. The Ghost is Here Vitalist Theater’s  latest production invites the audience to spend some time with ghosts. The mysterious Fukagawa is the guide and Oba the benifactor. The story takes place in post-WWII Japan when this country was readjusting to life after war. The multicultural cast does an amazing job of living with ghosts and trying to help them, maybe even make a profit. The set sprawls the whole stage grounding the mysterious ambiance. Its hot, funny, and strange. A mix of drama, comedy, and music makes for a fun time.

The Ghost is Here: Head downtown and hang with ghosts!

Running Time:  Two hours and forty minutes includes an intermission

At DCA Storefront Theater, 66 E. Randolph

Written by Kobo Abe

Translated by Donald Keene

Directed by Jaclynn Jutting

Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays at 7:30pm

Sundays at 3pm

Thru February 19th

Buy tickets at

happy monday!

14 Nov

this post has nothing of substance. really.

its just a “i hope youre having a good monday” post.

and a way to share the joy that i get from this:

happy monday!

Cannibas, Oh Cannibas-An Ode to Weed

9 Nov

This is my love poem to marijuana.  I originally posted it on the blog I started with my friend Sam, who now has her own awesome site where she writes about dealing with her brain tumor.  Some of the reactions from people I know were you can’t write about weed!  To which I replied why not?  If you know me, you know weed kinda defines a bit of who I am.  And how is it going be made legal if people aren’t opening up about using it?!?!  I’m not sure if I want weed to be made legal, but I most certainly want it to be decriminalized.  It may help our economy.  I would love if I could go to the corner store and pick up a pack of joints whenever I wanted.  Sounds like bliss.  I mean think about it…how much trouble do you get into when you get drunk and how much trouble do you get into when you get stoned?  I think I made my point. Peace, Love, & Weed.

Most days I love you

Some days I don’t

When our relationship is good

It’s very, very good

When our relationship is bad

I feel like I am dying- literally

Oh, how can you turn on me when I love you so?

I give you my loyalty, devotion, and trust

In return you give me paranoia

Or worse

I feel like you are suffocating me

I can’t breathe

It feels as if you are choking me

How can this be love?

Oh, why do you do me like you do

Why can’t it always be a good time when we are together?

I love when you help me see humor in everything

Some of my best laughs are shared with you

You make my favorite movies even more enjoyable

Who knew that Ferris Bueller could seem even better than it already is

You are the best sleeping aid a lady like me could have

And oh how I adore you when you miraculously cure my hangovers

Oh, weed you inspire me so

You spark my creativity

You help me to think outside the box

I can’t thank you enough for the wisdom you provide while I’m under your spell

You captivate and enchant me

Which is why I keep coming back for more

I’m willing to forgive you for the freak-outs you induce

The nights I have to sleep with all the lights on

I can’t give you up

Nor do I want to

You are more pleasure than pain

So, I’ll take my chances

And light up my bowl

I surrender myself

I give up control

Covers That I Loved Originally

7 Nov

I adore covers of oldies that I love.  I am particularly enjoy covers of male songs by female singers.  I love things that are extreme opposites.  With the cold weather I’ve been spending more time inside with a space heater on, getting stoned, and listening to music.  These are my favorite covers of originals that I love:

This is the song that started it all.  I was listening to Le Tigre and The Bird and The Bee, and there were songs on both animals that had this beat that reminded me of this song.  I couldn’t think of the song though!  I was obviously thinking of something early 90’s.  It finally popped into my head while listening to Le Tigre.  Bonnie fucking Raitt. I can’t make you love me.  I instantly youtubed it.

Which led me to this amazing cover of it by Adele.  So great.

What kind of stereotypical sexist bullshit is this John & Daryl???

You would have thought this would have started it.

A classic.

I love male & female duets.  Hello, Donny and Marie haha.

Have you heard?

The ultimate.